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Santa Meet & Greet Group

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Julian Mironov
Julian Mironov

Desde Mi Ventana REPACK

The journalist and writer Antonia Cortés has been devoting her life to journalism and writing for a long time. A columnist for La Tribuna de Ciudad Real, a medium in which she provides her vision of the world through emotional writing, Cortés has decided to bring together her most significant articles in a book: Desde mi ventana, a publication that has just been published by Huerga y Fierro Editores, and which moves away from her literary career dedicated to poetry.

Desde Mi Ventana

This latest publication adds to the four collections of poems that the journalist has published over the last two decades. Now, with Desde mi ventana, Cortés hopes that readers will dare to look from other perspectives at an unbridled world in which it is difficult to observe and attend introspectively to our emotions.

I think, in this case, that poetry cannot be completely separated; that some poetic resources can be found. I decided to publish because there is a group of friends to whom I send the column every week and, for years, they have been telling me: "what a pity you don't compile the articles, bring them out, because they are stories that make you think". For example, Alzheimer's or cancer, unfortunately, are diseases that are affecting more and more of us. Desde mi ventana is a way of reaching out to more people.

I don't know when it will come out... I have written a novel that was going to be published in Mexico just when the confinement arrived, but it was stopped, I don't know if I'm going to take it up again. On the other hand, I could bring out another collection of poems, but Desde mi ventana has just come out, I prefer to go slowly. I'll let at least a year go by, which isn't much considering that nine years passed between En un instante and El día en que callamos las palabras.

Tomando la ventana como metáfora de nuestra mirada singular hacia el mundo que nos rodea, esta edición del Debate de Barcelona es una invitación a reflexionar acerca de los límites y las continuidades entre lo interior y lo exterior a partir de las ventanas particulares que abrirán cada uno de los participantes del ciclo.

Logroño desde mi ventana, una imagen para recordar, es una iniciativa colaborativa y participativa para documentar la imagen de ciudad en la situación que estamos afrontando esta primavera de 2020. Incorporamos así al Fondo Fotográfico municipal las miradas y visiones particulares de este estado de alerta y confinamiento, desde las ventanas, terrazas, miradores... atalayas urbanas a las que como Consistorio nos resulta imposible acceder.

Si se bloquean las ventanas emergentes de un sitio de tu propiedad, consulta el Informe de Experiencias Engañosas. En él podrás ver si se ha detectado algún problema con tu sitio que puedas solucionar.

En la segunda parte, los vamos a enviar a través de un viaje desconocido. No sabemos adónde vamos a ir. Usaremos para este propósito, la página Window-Swap. Esta página nos permite ver lo que ven, desde sus ventanas, muchísimas personas alrededor del mundo. Aquí, vamos a aplicar la rutina de pensamiento: veo, pienso, me pregunto.

En The Objective tenemos el placer de publicar en exclusiva los primeros capítulos del nuevo proyecto literario del novelista Álvaro del Castaño, Desde mi ventana, escritos en Londres durante los días de cuarentena. 041b061a72


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