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Santa Meet & Greet Group

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Alexander Bailey
Alexander Bailey


NIDA. Una alternativa prometedora a los analgésicos opioides . National Institute on Drug Abuse website. -events/nida-notes/2019/07/una-alternativa-prometedora-los-analgesicos-opioides. Julio 22, 2019


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EconPapers FAQ Archive maintainers FAQ Cookies at EconPapers Format for printing The RePEc blog The RePEc plagiarism page Nacionalismo y desarrollo: una alternativa para MéxicoGaspar Núñez (Obfuscate( '', 'nuroga' )) and José Romero (Obfuscate( '', 'jromero' ))Additional contact information José Romero: El Colegio de MéxicoSerie documentos de trabajo del Centro de Estudios Económicos from El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios EconómicosAbstract:Countries that have successfully achieved greater economic development have done so through an active participation of the State from various angles: driving state, regulatory state, protectionist state, etc., although a broader and most consolidated concept is that of a Developmental State. In this research we built a social accounting matrix of Mexico for 2012, on which we designed a dynamic-recursive applied general equilibrium model, to analyze and quantify the impact of policies that can be fostered by the Mexican State, particularly an increase in the private savings and subsidies to consumption of national inputs by selected key sectors. We find that even the implementation of two such simple policies generally have a substantial positive impact, from which, important elements of economic policy for a development strategy emerge.Keywords: developmental state; Mexico; social accounting matrix; applied general equilibrium (search for similar items in EconPapers)JEL-codes: D58 E16 O21 O41 O54 (search for similar items in EconPapers)Date: 2018-01References: Add references at CitEc Citations: Track citations by RSS feedDownloads: (external link) -2018-1.pdf (application/pdf)Related works:Journal Article: Nacionalismo y desarrollo: una alternativa para México (2020) This item may be available elsewhere in EconPapers: Search for items with the same title.Export reference: BibTeX RIS (EndNote, ProCite, RefMan) HTML/TextPersistent link: :emx:ceedoc:2018-01Access Statistics for this paperMore papers in Serie documentos de trabajo del Centro de Estudios Económicos from El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos Contact information at EDIRC.Bibliographic data for series maintained by Ximena Varela (Obfuscate( '', 'xvarela' )). var addthis_config = "data_track_clickback":true; var addthis_share = url:" :emx:ceedoc:2018-01"Share This site is part of RePEc and all the data displayed here is part of the RePEc data set. Is your work missing from RePEc? Here is how to contribute. Questions or problems? Check the EconPapers FAQ or send mail to Obfuscate( '', 'econpapers' ). EconPapers is hosted by the Örebro University School of Business. 041b061a72


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