CSiBridge 2016 Advanced Version 18.2.0: A Powerful Tool for Bridge Engineering
CSiBridge 2016 Advanced Version 18.2.0: A Powerful Tool for Bridge Engineering
CSiBridge 2016 Advanced Version 18.2.0 is a specialized software for modeling, analysis, and design of bridge structures. It integrates the bridge object with the SAPFire analysis engine to provide a comprehensive solution for complex bridge projects. CSiBridge 2016 Advanced Version 18.2.0 offers many features and enhancements that make it a versatile and user-friendly software for bridge engineers.
Features of CSiBridge 2016 Advanced Version 18.2.0
Some of the features of CSiBridge 2016 Advanced Version 18.2.0 are:
User-defined bridge sections: Users can create their own bridge sections by defining polygons with different materials and openings. These sections can be used to generate parametric bridge objects with non-prismatic variations along the length of the bridge[^4^].
Internal diaphragm orientation: Users can control the orientation of internal diaphragms (cross-frames) in steel U-girder bridge sections at bent support locations. The diaphragms can be generated along the bent skew or perpendicular to the girder line[^4^].
Load pattern display: Users can display all loads within a single load pattern on all object types in a single display. This allows users to visualize the load distribution and magnitude on the bridge model[^4^].
64-bit version: A full 64-bit version of CSiBridge is available, which can handle larger models and use more memory than the 32-bit version[^5^].
DirectX graphics: The DirectX graphics performance has been enhanced, especially for larger models containing many points. The DirectX graphics has been updated from DirectX 9 to DirectX 11, which may affect the graphics cards that are supported[^5^].
Benefits of CSiBridge 2016 Advanced Version 18.2.0
Some of the benefits of using CSiBridge 2016 Advanced Version 18.2.0 are:
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It allows users to create parametric bridge models with various types of sections, layouts, supports, and loads.
It provides a comprehensive analysis and design solution for bridge structures, including moving-load analysis, superstructure design, seismic design, construction scheduling, and rating.
It supports various design codes and standards for different regions and countries.
It enables users to customize their own libraries for vehicles and frame-sections.
It facilitates the integration with other CSI products, such as SAP2000, ETABS, and SAFE.
CSiBridge 2016 Advanced Version 18.2.0 is a powerful tool for bridge engineering that offers many features and enhancements that make it a versatile and user-friendly software. It can handle complex bridge projects with ease and efficiency, and provide accurate and reliable results. CSiBridge 2016 Advanced Version 18.2.0 is a must-have software for bridge engineers who want to optimize their workflow and productivity. 29c81ba772